January 21, 2014


work work work. in early january i was supposed to start a new job at work. one that would afford me more flexibility in my life as i try to juggle that delicate balance of motherhood and having a job - i wouldn't go so far as to call this a career anymore - outside of my home life. early january has come and gone and i'm no closer to starting that new, slower paced job. i'm now hoping for mid-february. 4 out of the last 5 nights i've worked until 11:30 and one night until 12:30 after putting the boys down for bed. i know i'm probably preaching to the choir - i'm certainly not the first, or the last, to work long, late hours - but i'm part time as it is so this feels especially awful!

as i sit here and count the days, i wanted to send a quick apology/heads up that my blogging will likely be light in the next few weeks. it's so frustrating - i have a lot to say!! but i need to put my little thing here on hold while i hunker down and try to get through the next month or so. who knows, maybe i'll surprise myself and it won't be as bad as i'm thinking!

in the meantime, let's look at pretty stuff!

pretty watercolor by kerry steele sold at the pink pagoda.

a lovely kitchen window treatment.

an interesting hallway - i wouldn't choose it but it's fun to look at all the details!

hmm, i'm noticing a theme here - peaceful and serene. wonder why? ;)

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