April 27, 2015


hi y'all! somehow a week went by since my last post - i blame school vacation week where we did not go on vacation but i had lots of quality time with my little ones (including both the 2 and 4 footed kind). they kept me running all week and by the end of each day i was exhausted. oh wait, that's nothing new! but more exhausted than usual. and last night i was running around doing massive amounts of laundry and tidying up before our house cleaners come today. does anyone else do that? our house looks best when company is coming... or the cleaners!! #assbackwards

the topic on my mind for this week is accessories. like accessories for your home. it's something i struggled with for a long time (and i'm sure if you go back through the years in this blog you'll find some pretty empty rooms with a serious lack of styling and accessories!) but i've worked on it a bunch and come to realize just how important it is. this week i'll try to focus on areas where people ask me the most questions about styling and accessories. today i'll leave you with a really pretty vignette full of inspiration!

(i have that python tray, it's great!)

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