July 31, 2015

Kitchen Chair Options

it's like 90 degrees here! not complaining :) but with the humidity i sweat through like 3 shirts a day. tmi? oh and tgif!!

ok today's topic! i've been thinking about what chairs we'll want to get once we're ready for a new kitchen table. unfortunately stanley (who is now 8 months!) destroyed two of our four current chairs and since we really should have 6 total, starting form scratch makes the most sense. so i rounded up some options - some more realistic than others. mostly i'm just excited that i finally took the time to learn polyvore and can now create big girl design boards! doesn't this look 100 times better than those picasa boards?? only took me 5 years :)

kitchen chair options

1. wisteria. these are awesome but not sure upholstery would work in a house with two toddlers! fyi - they're 30% off right now!

2. serena & lily. i could kill for a set of these chairs but the cost might be too prohibitive. i don't want to be worrying all the time.

3. domino. this is a top contender. i love the wishbone shape and the seat looks reasonably comfortable.

4. west elm. i love these ones but i can't decide if the seat looks all that comfortable. like if you're wearing shorts or if you have little legs, your legs would have the same pattern as the chair pressed in!

5. domino. i think you get what you pay for and these look nice but i wonder about the longevity.

6. lulu & georgia. a knock off the original eames chair but same goes for these as #5.

what are your favorites? what else that's not on this list?

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