September 29, 2015

Beds And Windows

oh hey hey hey (watching pharrell on the voice right now!). it's been bussssy over here with client projects and i am not complaining! but i ran out of time to blog over the weekend. let's get going on today's of the things i'm often telling clients is "don't be afraid to put a bed in front of a window!" not every room has the perfect set up or the perfect wall space and sometimes the window makes the most sense.

example a: my little charlie's room.

photo credit: kate renyi ker photography

but there are so many more examples :)

i think it can actually be better to put a bed (or crib!) in front of a window because it gives the bed a frame. it's also so much more inviting to walk into a room where the bed is facing you instead of away from you.

1 comment:

Alyssa said...

I've been afraid to put our bed in front of the window because we only get so much light - the downside to having a Cape-style house!

Feathers and Stripes

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