June 1, 2012

Will We Ever Sell?

we're starting to feel a little down about our house selling (or not selling as the case would be). we need to find someone who wants to redo a kitchen and doesn't have 5 children. why do families of 7 look at a house that's too small for them and then say "it's too small"?? keeping it clean and schelping two babies and dog out for each showing is getting old. fast. so please keep your fingers crossed for us that someone comes along soon who wants to make this house their home. :)

plus we have this awesome one to look forward to and we truly couldn't be more excited to raise our family here.

have a good weekend - can you believe it's June?!

1 comment:

Jennifer @ Belclaire House said...

Eek! You poor thing! We are about to put ours on the market and I'm soo nervous! We have a pool so it will be more likely to sell this month than when it starts to get to the end of the summer. If things go well, we sell it and are homeless for 3 months, but isn't it nice we have something awesome waiting for us at the end of the road?

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