October 28, 2013

Tail Between My Legs

hi! how was the weekend? it has gotten cold here but we had a great time at the wedding weekend that i mentioned in friday's post (shout out kate and jody!!). it was at such a gorgeous place - the crane estate in ipswich. views to die for!! apparently the cranes made their money in plumbing way back when. it's no longer a private home but it does feel a little downton abbey-esque driving up!

(update - forgot to add the pic of the view)

anyway i feel i must provide an update to my little tantrum last week! thanks to a friend, i found out that you can get a new dress overnighted to you for free from rtr even if they already sent you a replacement that they picked out - so essentially you can get more dresses that you originally paid for. on friday i found three other dresses that i liked and called to see if any of them were available - no dice. so i went out to a local boutique willing to give my soul for a dress that fit and that i liked. nothing! isn't that always the way?

(this was me although this is not me - via pinterest)

i rented two dresses and with the plan to wear one of them to the rehearsal dinner and the other to the wedding so what was more concerning - i.e. entering panic stage! - was that we needed to leave for the rehearsal dinner at 5 and the box had not shown up yet. the ups man ended up coming to my door at 4:30. DRAMA!! so i quickly threw on both dresses and...miraculously...they both fit and i even liked them! ohhh-kaaay so maybe a teensy overreaction on thursday night when i said i "hated" the replacement shoshanna dress. and still declared that i hated it as i took it out of the box. but on it was quite pretty. the dress gods finally smiled down on me (and my husband who was patiently putting up with my freak out session!!).

it looked so much better on and in person that on the rent the runway website. in fact i liked it so much i would totally consider buying it. i owe an apology to the rent the runway stylist who chose that dress as my replacement because it worked out maybe even better than my original pick would have. so overall i'm a happy customer but i would have preferred way less drama and i still think there is a very strong chance that the same thing would happen if i rent again. just seems to be part of their business model (can't even imagine how much they spend in shipping!).

p.s. thank you to my parents for watching the boys both nights and still being pretty happy even though they both picked up the toddler cold that has been living with us for the last week! also i feel i should admit that my mom thought the replacement dress was pretty from the start despite me vehemently disagreeing. she was right!

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